Logo of Revivios. A teal plus symbol.

Treat life

like a game

Life is the best game out there. So why not level up yourself in Revivios by managing your time and completing everyday tasks just like a video game.

Image of character leveling up

Increased Motivation

By using game mechanics in your task manager you can be more driven to reach your goals.

Open Source

Revivios is open source allowing the community to share and grow the app together.


Built with productivity in mind, Revivios aims to provide the necessary tools with a gaming experience.

Image of Calendar

Fully built in calendar

Tasks integrate into the calendar and allow you to plan ahead and achieve all your goals!

Gamified Productivity

Every time you complete tasks you gain xp and level up in the app and real life!

Image of Task and Level up



Ability to track your habits and view them on a week and month basis.


Grow together with friends and compete in challenges.


Accept community quests on the quest board to improve yourself.

Take your productivity to the next level now!

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